Geology Wiki
Pronounce {{{pronounce}}}
Rare Metal {{{rare}}}
Type Metamorphic
Cleave {{{cleave}}}
Hard {{{hard}}}
Streak {{{streak}}}
Lust {{{lust}}}
Specific Gravity {{{specify}}}
Chemical Compounds {{{chemcomp}}}
Essential mineral(s) {{{essential}}}
Accessory mineral(s) {{{accessory}}}

Marble is a metamorphic rock, resulting from the metamorphosis of Limestone and Dolostone (also known as dolomite). The word "marble" is colloquially used to refer to many other stones that are capable of taking a high polish. Marble impurities cause the “swirls” or “veins” you commonly see on a polished portion or cross-section of marble. Green coloration is often due to serpentine resulting from having originally high magnesium, limestone, or dolostone with silica impurities.

Some types of Marbles include:
  • Black Marble
  • Red Marble
  • Royal Marble
  • Yule Marble
  • Carrara Marble