- 2013 Bohol earthquake
- A axis
- Aa
- Aalenian
- Ablation
- Ablation zone
- Abrasion
- Abuan Formation
- Abyssal hill
- Abyssal plain
- Acid mine drainage
- Acoje Block
- Actinolite
- Adakite
- Adamite
- Aegirine
- Aerinite
- Afwillite
- Agate
- Aggregate (composite)
- Aksitero Formation
- Albite
- Alluvial fan
- Alluvium
- Altaite
- Aluminum
- Amber
- Amblygonite
- Amethyst
- Ammolite
- Amphibole
- Analcime
- Andalusite
- Andesine
- Andesite
- Andesites, Dacites, and Related Rocks
- Andradite
- Angle of repose
- Ankerite
- Annite
- Anorthite
- Anorthosite
- Anthony Philpotts
- Anthophyllite
- Anticline
- Apatite
- Aplite
- Aquamarine
- Archean
- Arkose
- Arsenopyrite
- Asbestos
- Aspy Fault
- Asthenosphere
- Atlantic Ocean
- Augite
- Aureole
- Aurichalcite
- Aventurine
- Awaruite
- Axinite
- Azurite
- Back-arc basin
- Baddeleyite
- Baguio Formation
- Balabac Andesite
- Balog-Balog Formation
- Bangui Formation
- Bankfull stage
- Barite
- Basalt
- Basement (geology)
- Bastnäsite
- Bataan Volcanic Arc Complex
- Batholith
- Bed
- Bedding
- Bedrock
- Benitoite
- Bertrandite
- Beryl
- Bigbiga Limestone
- Biogeology
- Biostratigraphic Units (Philippine Stratigraphic Guide)
- Biotite
- Bismuthinite
- Bixbite
- Bixbyite
- Black Mountain Quartz Diorite
- Blah lah
- Block lava
- Blödite
- Bohol Fault System
- Bolinao Limestone
- Borax
- Bornite
- Boulder Flatirons
- Bowen's Reaction Series
- Bowen's reaction series
- Box corer
- Breccia
- Brittle deformation
- Brochantite
- Burgos Member
- Bytownite
- Cabagan Formation
- Cabaluan Formation
- Cabriite
- Calcarenite
- Calcirudite
- Calcite
- Calcium
- Caldera
- Caledonite
- Callao Formation
- Carbonate
- Carnotite
- Cavansite
- Celestine
- Central Cordillera Diorite Complex
- Chalcanthite
- Chalcedony
- Chalcocite
- Chalcopyrite
- Chert
- Chlorastrolite
- Chlorite
- Chondrite
- Chronology of the Universe
- Chronostratigraphic Units (Philippine Stratigraphic Guide)
- Chrysoberyl
- Chrysotile
- Chyrsoberyl
- Cinder cone
- Cinnabar
- Citrine
- Clastic Dike
- Clastic rock
- Clay
- Clay minerals
- Claystone
- Cleavage
- Coal
- Cobalt
- Cobaltite
- Coesite
- Colemanite
- Conglomerate
- Continental drift
- Continental margin
- Continental shelf
- Convergent boundary
- Copper
- Core drill
- Cornelis Klein
- Corundum
- Coto Block
- Country rock
- Craton
- Creedite
- Cross-bedding
- Cross-cutting relationships
- Crust
- Cryptocrystalline
- Crystal
- Crystal growth
- Crystal habit
- Crystal structure
- Crystal system
- Crystalline
- Crystallinity
- Crystallization
- Crystallography
- Crystals
- Cummingtonite
- Cyclones
- Dacite
- Department of Environment and Natural Resources
- Depression
- Diabase
- Diagenesis
- Diamond
- Dibuluan Formation
- Dike
- Dike swarm
- Dinosaur
- Dioptase
- Diorite
- Divergent boundary
- Dolomite
- Ductile
- Ductile deformation
- Dust
- Earth
- Earth's Spheres
- Earth's inner core
- Earth's outer core
- Earth Materials: Introduction to Mineralogy and Petrology (Klein and Philpotts)
- Earth science
- Earthquake
- East Luzon Trough
- Economic geology
- Electrum
- Emerald
- Engineering geologist
- Engineering geology
- Environmental geology
- Ernest Masson Anderson
- Euhedral and anhedral
- Eurasian Plate
- Exotic terrane
- Expanded clay aggregate
- Facies
- Fault block
- Fault lines
- Fayalite
- Feldspar
- Felsic
- Felsic rock
- Felsite
- Field relations
- Fluorapatite
- Fluorescent minerals
- Fluorite
- Fold
- Foliation
- Foliation (geology)
- Forearc
- Fossil
- Fountain formation
- Fracture
- Friedrich Mohs
- Gabbro
- Gahnite
- Gakkel Ridge
- Galena
- Gangue
- Garnet
- Gaywacke
- Gemstone
- Gemstones
- General Procedures (Philippine Stratigraphic Guide)
- Geobotanical prospecting
- Geochemistry
- Geode
- Geologic formation
- Geologic map
- Geologic time scale
- Geological Society of the Philippines
- Geologist
- Geologist's hammer
- Geology
- Geology (course subject)
- Geology Forum
- Geology of Michigan
- Geology of Quezon Province
- Geology of the Philippines
- Geology of the Region: CAR
- Geomorphology
- Geophysics
- Geotechnical engineering
- Gneiss
- Goethite
- Gold
- Gossan
- Graben
- Graded bedding
- Granite
- Granodiorite
- Graphic texture
- Graphite
- Greenschist
- Greisen
- Gritstone
- Grorudite
- Groundwater
- Gypsum
- Halmahera Arc
- Helium
- Hematite
- Hermann–Mauguin notation
- Hessonite
- Historical geology
- Hornblende
- Horst
- Hotspot
- Hurricane
- Hydrogrossular
- Ibulao Limestone
- Ice age Megafauna
- Iceland
- Igneous petrology
- Igneous rock
- Igneous rock textures
- Ilagan Formation
- International Commission on Stratigraphy
- International Union of Geological Sciences
- Introduction (Philippine Stratigraphic Guide)
- Intrusion
- Intrusion Types
- Iron
- Itogon Quartz Diorite
- Jackson School of Geosciences
- Jade
- Jadeite
- Jarosite
- Jasper
- Jean-Étienne Guettard
- Jedburgh
- Kaolinite
- Karst
- Kennon Limestone
- Kermesite
- Kimberlite
- Klondyke formation
- Kyanite
- Kyushu-Palau Ridge
- Labradorite
- Lamprophyres
- Landform
- Laoag Formation
- Lapis Lazuli
- Lava
- Law of superposition
- Lawsonite
- Lead
- Lechatelierite
- Lepidocrocite
- Lexicon of Philippine Stratigraphy
- Limestone
- List of Earth Sciences
- List of common plutonic rocks
- List of intrusive rocks
- List of minerals
- List of minerals (complete)
- List of rock types
- Lithification
- Lithology
- Lithosphere
- Lithostratigraphic Units (Philippine Stratigraphic Guide)
- Liuanan Sandstone
- Lobo Quartz Diorite
- Lode
- Lubuagan Formation
- Lustre